Around the country, typical GOP voters are asking themselves why the current round of race riots has been allowed to go on for almost 90 days. After all, local and state officials have no trouble shutting down Corona virus protests. They should be able to stop looters from ransacking the Magnificent Mile.
The reason is that the riots continue because our rulers have a vested interest in letting them continue. Charlottesville remains a rallying cry among the Death Cult three years after all of those protesters have been ruined, jailed, or driven to suicide. Kamala Harris even brought it up at the streamed corporate retreat that passed for the Democrat Convention.
Since the Death Cult now dictates public morality, they need to make examples of heretics to reinforce their authority. The guys at C-Ville gave them the perfect scapegoats, and the Cult has been milking the event ever since. Their intent for the riots has been to lure our side into conflict with the thugs for Charlottesville round two. The only wrinkle was that dissidents learned better and stayed away, so the Cult has had to keep the chaos going. It’s no coincidence that the country is going up in flames in an election year.
In the end, the Death Cult had to wait for their paid chaos agents to push into Normieville. My prediction of one-percenter types giving the Cult C-Ville 2 was slightly premature, but it finally came true last night.
Watch the reporting on the Kenosha shootings by Chicago station WGN closely.
As you can see, the Cult priests in the media haven’t gone full witch hunt mode yet. Sufficient demographic details on the shooters and the victims aren’t yet known. You can rest assured that the minute even one of the shooters is identified as a white militia member, the media will blast his doxx across the web and the airwaves.
You can also be sure that shooters from unfavored demographics will have the book thrown at them while barbarians who met counterattacks while helping to burn down neighborhoods will be lionized. By now there’s no excuse for ignorance of how the Cult runs the game.
The Cult spokesman in the WGN video is already laying the foundation for the Narrative we’ll see deployed–probably starting today. Concerned citizens peaceably assembled to protest police violence. The cops tear gassed them. A bunch of cars coincidentally ended up smashed and burned for no reason. Then a bunch of flyover militiamen held a Wild West shootout in the street. That will come to be the only acceptable description of events.
For the thousandth time, the answer to the riots isn’t a dissident showdown against the Cult’s shock troops. Run the numbers. Every one on our side jailed, crippled, or killed removes a net contributor from society. Meanwhile, pierce-lipped Starbucks baristas and criminal sex offenders get free bail and media attention. Engagement on the enemy’s terms is a foolish risk.
Support for BLM is cratering because their main achievement has been burning down cities nationwide. The media can and will bend over backwards to make the Cult’s domestic terrorists look sympathetic. Don’t make their job easier.
And don’t give money to people who hate you.

You aren't wrong. I wish you were, but you aren't. I've been saying for months that they want another Kent State so they can really put the screws to Trump, but another C-Ville works to legitimize their banditry and score a cultural victory. Never mind a large portion of the population won't necessarily believe it, they'll be MADE to believe it, as you pointed out.
My biggest concern is that the only winning strategy, that of personal protection and non-engagement, is a passive proposition. THEY have all the control: we can't force them to deescalate because their masters have deliberately removed the brakes from the train of mayhem. If justice were still even handed, or even just pretending to be, a few forced engagements would scare off the weaker members and the destruction would at least moderate. By defending them and prosecuting us, that option is gone and the barbarians are emboldened. So what do we do?
We have two options. One, turn the other cheek and pray that eventually the adults step in and put this down. If we still have a functioning civilization, an iffy proposition I know, then someone somewhere will eventually run the numbers and the mob will get put down. God alone knows how much destruction and chaos will result before this happens, to say nothing of the damage to what's left of our civic institutions.
Option two: get critical mass and then fight back. The problem with this is that it's a brass ring grab on par with what's being done now. You CAN'T stop once it's started: in order to avoid getting shut down hard by TPTB, you have to break them. That means going after not just the rioters but the power that supports them, to include media, politicians, the works. It is ugly, ugly, ugly.
Now for the REALLY scary part: the longer option one goes on with no one calling a halt, the more likely option two becomes. Again, because we are facing a multi-level assault, we are not equipped to take an active role because they still hold the high ground. So we deny them that. I don't pretend to know exactly what that looks like, but I suspect it's some variant on buying ammo, getting together with your friends and neighbors so you're all on the same page, and keeping your ear to the ground. Support your neighbors and be prepared, but at this point any engagement plays right into their hands.
I agree with your points, M.
As for this being another Charlottesville, I doubt it. Most people's opinions on BLM are already formed after 3 months of irrational mob violence and constant race baiting. If undisciplined lone wolfs like this can lose the narrative war, while the havoc and destruction reigns, I don't see much hope in winning.
On the subject of passivity and non-engagement, I'm reminded of the Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne. While those Carmelite Sisters were being martyred in what strikes me as assembly-line mass murder, I am sure it seemed as if the French Revolution had won hands down. And yet, the Revolution would not long survive having "won" that victory.
I am not, of course, proposing that we court martyrdom. There are times and places when recourse to arms is right and good, else Our Lord would not have said, "Buy a sword." But in the right time, non-engagement on the physical level, paired with active engagement on the spiritual, has potential the enemy cannot match.
These riots have been the best thing to happen for our side in a long time–possibly since 2016. Seeing Antifa soyboys and bomb-tossing savages destroy the cities has delivered massive doses of the red pill to normies. We have public testimonials from people who voted Hillary in 2016 now switching to Trump specifically because of the riots. The reason they've been so effective in waking people up is that there's been no way for the press to cover up the fact that their side is causing all the mayhem–until now.
We don't owe these enemy-run cities anything. Let their useful idiots burn their own strongholds down while we sit back with our feet up.
My own take is that the riots are being allowed because they think (and they are VERY wrong) that it hurts Trump, and stopping the riots involves a political cost that is greater than any perceived political gain. I believe that eventually the political calculations will change on those 2 things, perhaps just before or after the election. In the mean time, we all get to live through the 21st century version of 1968.
As to nonconfrontation, that is exactly the only winning strategy in this thing. The left (as you say) wants Bubba to show up with his "assault style" gun and his Confederate flag so they can make their point. Letting the cities burn while the normies first get scared then get mad is the way to go.
The riots probably aren't hurting Trump, but he's not using them to maximum advantage, either. So far, the Republican Convention feels like a transmission from Bizarro World. Now is not the time to be touting crime bills that released felons onto the streets or pointing out how Biden sponsored a bill that did in fact reduce crime.
If Trump sent in the National Guard to crush these insurrections, he'd be leading Biden by double digits.
Your analysis of the BLM leadership's motives is good. But I don't think the picture is complete without addressing the political and police leadership perspective.
Cuomo over at CNN accidentally let the truth slip out when he pointed out why churches were closed but protests weren't stopped. They don't try to stop the protests and riots because they know the former will sheepishly comply, while the latter will say "make me". And as we've seen over and over again, the cops and their leadership have repeatedly said they won't engage unless they know they can win. But with the numbers of people bussed in to any of these events, that means they can't do anything except wait for things to burn out and just arrest anyone who lingers too long after things go cold.
That's exactly why Trump needs to stop Tweeting about it and send in the military to quell the riots. People are desperate for law and order. Whichever candidate is seen to enforce it will sweep to victory in a landslide. There is zero reason why it shouldn't be Trump.
Basically wait until enough of the public begs Trump to unleash the Nat Guard and give a “shoot all looters” order.
There is a mild difference between this and Chile though. Cville was a planned, internally compromised media op designed to provide media opportunities for “scary white nazi” images to use on the public. In these spontaneous scenarios, if they can’t get good footage that they can manipulate before the full picture is revealed (like Floyd), they won’t go through with it.
Granted, it Would be interesting if someone knew if the suburb targeted here has a high number of local military members and thus was deliberately targeted to see what video could be generated. But I think the closest thing to a recent Cville attempt was that Black panther militia stunt done at Stone Mountain, GA.
They're already spreading the teenage shooter's doxx on social media.
He's since been arrested. I guess we'll see how much of the book they throw at him.
He's been charged with first degree murder.
With a charge like that, they've got to be playing to the base and/or gunning for a plea deal. You might be able to make reckless endangerment stick, possibly even manslaughter, but first-degree murder? Not unless Wisconsin has some really bizarre clauses in defining that term.
The mistake that you and many are making is that you continue to labor under the illusion that we live in a nation of laws, despite the mounting evidence to the contrary.
Straight, white, Christian men are second-class citizens. See the Proud Boys languishing in prison cells.
Very good point. Some Death Cult lawyer is going to give this kid the Nick Sandmann treatment, and make ruining him a springboard to higher office.
You prophesy unknowing. Lyn Wood, Nick Sandmann's lawyer, has offered to represent Rittenhouse for free. So while I have no doubt you're correct about some diversity hire DA in Illinois or Wisconsin trying to make his bones by crucifying the kid, he'll have his hands full.
That's important, because Wood is giving an example of precisely the right response to these situations. Christians with resources need to start using them in defense of our people.
I heard about that. That is an encouraging, and I daresay Providential, development. Praise the Lord.