A reader shares this conversation which proves how deep the Pop Cult conditioning goes.

The context of this particular discussion was the NFL. You’re just as likely to hear the exact same script from Pop Cultists who are still addicted to Big Two comics, Hollywood Movies, and corporate top 40 music.
Note how pointing out that the Cultist is debasing himself by paying to be insulted doesn’t suffice to sway him. The cult of pop culture replaced the healthy call to worship for many in Clown World, especially those lacking self-respect and a sense of meaning. Sadly, that describes tens of millions of Americans.
You can’t save everyone. Once a Pop Cultist has shown that he’s willing to sacrifice his dignity for a fleeting dopamine fix, it’s best to shake the dust from your shoes rather than waste time trying to talk him out of a position he was never talked into.
You can, however, save yourself. The first step is to stop giving money to people who hate you.

Insisting on still watching AFTER you decide something is propaganda is deviant behaviour. His social/trust instincts are broken.
^ Agreed. He accepts he has sinned and insists on continuing to do so rather than repent…like an addict.
Which actually pushes this into a sin of malice, not passion.
Funny how most sins are also counter-survival to the human organism and its society, isn't it?
Almost as if they're at odds with human nature.
Like "good" has consistent or objective qualities of some sort. Crazy!
He is literally consuming product and getting excited for next products without asking questions.
RLM had the insight of lushes joking about their own drunken antics when they coined that line.
This is sadly why boycotts tend to not work, at least not in a degenerate age.
The other reason is corporate sugar daddies totally disconnected from any profit motive zealously throwing money into Death Cult agitprop.
We've reached market conditions economists swore were impossible. They never counted on creditors simply letting debtors off the hook for sharing the same depraved beliefs.
Louder for those in the back, because this somehow never gets discussed in public.
Well, any decent economist would tell you that it's a bubble and that cheap money was distorting the market. Sadly, this blasphemy against the mo' money cult gets them cast out.
Cheap money is only the smallest part of it. Cheap money just makes it easier for them to lend at absurdly cheap rates to ideological allies. The bigger distortion is that they do that while shutting others out of the market completely.
At least I could understand this view when they were making content with some semblance of quality . . . over a decade ago.
This is like being an alcoholic when the only drink on offer is turpentine and still drinking deep.
The problem, at this point, is more than simple addiction. It's a spiritual sickness. Anon needs an intervention, and desperately.
Addiction is one thing. Knowingly choosing temporal pleasure in defiance of the order of reason is malicious evil.
So the rumor mill is that Disney is starting a woke purge. I don't believe it and don't really care as I'm done with all things Disney. But is
Force Awakens: Pop Cult
Last Jedi: Death Cult
Rise of Skywalker: Desperate attempt to be Pop Cult again
a reasonable assessment?
All three movies are Death Cult agitprop. The Pop Cultists are the nerd culture YouTubers spreading the woke purge rumor to retain viewers who are starting to wise up and tune out.
If you look closely at TFA, you find a lot of TLJ’s cynicism beneath the ANH rewrite. But then, ANH had some cynicism in its background as well.
One of the problems with going woke is that it robs the work of entertainment value. Whether it's a movie, TV show, or a sports game, you need the audience to be emersed in what they are watching. Wokeness jolts the audience out of that emerson and ruins the experience. The audience knows it's no longer watching it's favorite diversion, just someone's agenda driven bovine scat. That's why the only people paying attention to major sports are the gamblers.
We'll see if that trend holds. NFL ratings plunged during the Colin Kaepernick affair but soon recovered.
And only the pro gamblers. All sorts of reports of local fantasy football leagues falling apart.
Interesting choice the NFL is making, letting players commemorate a man known for getting shot while violating a restraining order to harass a woman he recently allegedly sexually assaulted. We had to re-register to vote recently and my wife actually registered Republican (I'm no party preference, personally). Those events were related.
I'm increasingly convinced the Democrats' internal polling shows a preference cascade in line with your anecdote. It's why they're flailing to distance their candidates from the pro-rioter position they espoused just a few weeks ago.
It's also why they have their bag men in Big Tech prepping the public for a rigged election.
Poking around your blog a bit, I noticed you have a number of entries about GamerGate, so you might be interested in this recent documentary "Airplay" https://youtu.be/HKgmqMG7D_E
Airplay was a meeting year after GG where media types and Gators sat down to hash out their differences. It was cut short after ten bomb threats.
Yes, I remember that.
Can anyone recommend me a worthwhile video game blogger that actually grapples with the Pop Cult propaganda that's crept into the big studio games over the last couple of decades? Specifically, I'd like to know if a game is going to shove alphabet trash down my throat at every turn, but I can't stand the slobbering love modern game "journalists" give that stuff in their discussions, so I don't read most reviews.
Going deeper into discussions of Christendom and moral value (rather than just reactionary discussions against the rot) would be a bonus.
One Angry Gamer usually compiles this sort of stuff but they appear to be on vacation right now so there haven't been any recent updates.
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Unfortunately this requires a hobbyist, which means you're not going to be able to count on them to be very prolific. Incentives (or the hope for future incentives) are too good to not soft pedal reviews.
I was in game journalism before I got a real job. It's crazy to see how bad it's gotten in the last couple decades. I thought the nepotism and inside dealing was bad then. There were also seeds of the SJW takeover, even then.
Bloggers? None that I know.
I watch the ACG YouTube for no-BS reviews of games.
The website NicheGamer is unwoke and informative.
I used to read Oneangrygamer, but he seems to have gone genuinely Daily Stormer lately.
Finally, there is the KotakuInAction sub-reddit. Which is billed as the unofficial GamerGate.
Bear in mind all of these are full of postmoderns and there is plenty of Popcultism, but criticism of it is allowed to breathe.
The Pop Cultist is saying he's happy to have them spit in his face while laughing at him. You indeed can't save everyone.
So I suddenly recalled this entry when I had it thoroughly confirmed today. I was commenting on a YouTube about DC/Marvel and going through the usual stuff about how they hate you, that your beloved franchises are dead and you should stop supporting them and I got this response:
"I'll do that when Venom is ACTUALLY dead and not a moment before. I have honestly never cared about the people behind the scenes, only the product. If I enjoy the product I will continue to buy it and support it. You might want to trash what good remains because of these people but I will always move the needle instead, regardless of what anyone says."
You could almost make a Mad Libs out of it. "Move the needle" is an expression from Comicsgate in which there is an agreement among comic fans that when DC/Marvel puts out something good or not too woke, then the fans will rush to buy it and the increased sales will demonstrate to the execs that this is wanted and this will inspire them to come to their senses.
What it really is is Stage 3 of Franchise-death Grief: Bargaining with the Death Cult.
P.S. I have the screenshot if need material for a You Can't Save Everyone Part II.