If the crises gripping the world, and our elites’ inept yet draconian responses to them, are good for anything, it’s to make us aware of what we take for granted. Ironically, one of those things is Thanksgiving. Who’d have thought just a year ago that the holidays might be cancelled in some states?
And even if all of that were to change tomorrow, we could still take solace in the fact hat Jesus Christ has already triumphed. His people are predestined to win. We’re just waiting to see how our final victory unfolds in history.
So gather your family, disconnect from the internet, and set politics aside for the day. As you enjoy a feast that many in this world can only dream of, take a moment to thank God for the manifold blessings He has bestowed upon you. And ask for the grace to become worthy of them.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Appropriate to the day, maybe you should spend some time with Gratitude and Love to God or Gratefulness.
This has been a year of renewal for my family. This time last year, we had just joined a local church, for the first time in 15 years. Our Long Lent has been challenging, but perhaps it has been fruitful because of, rather than in spite of, those challenges.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, all!