Stereotypes get a bad rap, but when you get right down to it, they’re just ways of conveying shared social understandings quickly and efficiently.
A common stereotype online these days is the trope of the out-of-touch Baby Boomer wagging his finger at younger folks who have less than he did at their age. It’s understandable. To someone who came of age during the postwar boom, it must be baffling to see entire generations who just can’t seem to get their act together.
One upside of the chaos running rampant across the country is that the socioeconomic pain initially inflicted on the young is now making itself felt across the generational spectrum. Boomers who once told struggling Millennials to pull themselves up by their bootstraps are now sweating bullets over functionaries of the openly one-party state with their eyes on social security and pension funds.
Having the lion’s share of America’s wealth future-proofed the Boomers’ 1980s lifestyles for a few extra years, but time is catching up with them–with interest.
What does this economic reckoning portend for the future? Listen in to the Rights and Duties stream, where I recently appeared to discuss generational theories and other matters of import.
And for a fuller treatment of memory-holed generations, read my best seller Don’t Give Money to People Who Hate You.

The tragedy of the Boomers is that they lived long enough for their children to do to them what they did to their parents. How are those reverse mortgages working out?
Even worse. The nursing homes where the Greats ended up weren't staffed by spiteful Guatemalans.
And the resentful bargain-basement employees aren't the only problem. They're also dealing with politicians who resent them and think they should have died at 75, so when there's a pandemic they pull their own parents out while unleashing COVID-positive cohabitants on the remainers. It's literally a boon to society in these people's worldview when the old die instead of lingering.
I've noticed a strange aspect of the boomer mindset which is fairly frightening. I watched a yt vid about it awhile ago but I don't remember the title.
It discussed how boomers all tend change their viewpoints 180 degrees from what they were 20/30 years ago, but they also think they've always thought the way they do now. It is as if they've been programed to do this and do not notice. The only exception to this are religious boomers who take their religion seriously.
I think we all owe Marshal McLuhan a closer look; he hasn't gotten near the credit he deserves.
"I think we all owe Marshal McLuhan a closer look; he hasn't gotten near the credit he deserves."
Resoundingly seconded.
After glancing at the wrong segments of social media today, I am living in deep and abiding sorrow at what seems likely for our nation when someone conjures euthanasia from the Constitutional penumbras.
The 'right to die' always become the duty to die.