Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

The Boomer Black Hole

The World You Were Raised to Survive In No Longer Exists

Another round of black pilling on Generation Z swept through counterculture circles over the July 4 weekend. The hand-wringing for the future was occasioned by this survey.

Now, the takeaway some are deriving from those figures, that only about a third of Zoomers believe in God, is provably nonsense. What Burge is peddling are sensationalistic claims based on a survey worded to get the result the poll makes wanted.

No social scientist–much less theologian–who really wanted to gauge the prevalence of faith in America would phrase the proposition, “I know God really exists and I have no doubts about it.”

What he’d ask is the question that would inform him how many Americans believe in God, that being, “Do you believe in God?”

As it happens, someone has asked that question, and the responses broke down like this:

That’s not to paint a universally rosy picture of American Christianity. Church membership among adults has declined rather sharply since–you guessed it–the late 90s:

Which coincides with members of Generation Y entering adulthood.

Is this dwindling of America’s Christian tradition among Gen X, Gen Y, Millennials, and Zoomers due to what some call the Boomer Black Hole?

This weekend I sat down with author Ben Wheeler on the Superversive Stream to talk about the Boomers’ dubious legacy and discuss how the Locust Generation’s posterity can survive in the post-Boomer world.

Give it a listen:

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