The white pills keep on coming this week. The latest wonder is the unprecedented spectacle of Republicans wielding the power voters gave them to punish their enemies.
Florida’s Republican-controlled legislature passed a measure to strip Walt Disney Co. of its self-governance privileges in the state, escalating a feud between Governor Ron DeSantis and the entertainment giant.
The legislation, which could lead to the dissolution of the Reedy Creek Improvement District created in 1967 in parts of Orange and Osceola counties to allow Disney to carry out certain municipal functions on its own, was approved by the House of Representatives in a 70-38 vote. It was approved by the Senate on Wednesday and now goes to DeSantis for his signature.
Those in the counterculture can take extra delight in this development, considering Disney’s recent doubling down on their commitment to child grooming.
“This is political retribution that is at play here,” Jerry Demings, the Democratic mayor of Orange County said Thursday ahead of the vote, adding that Disney had a great partnership with the local community. “We’re trying to understand what the legislature truly is trying to do in this case, but I believe they have not adequately contemplated the ramifications of what they have proposed at this point.”

The Death Cult’s impotent sputtering over the Florida legislature’s correct tactic is delicious. However, republicans actually representing their constituents shouldn’t be so rare that democrats can’t fathom it.
The whirlwind legislative action could have major consequences for Disney, which has had to maneuver a heated dispute with DeSantis, a potential 2024 Republican presidential candidate, after the company criticized a law he backed that limits school instruction about gender identity and sexual orientation.
DeSantis should make consequences never the same again. As the Cult would say, this is a good start, but there’s still much more work to be done.
That work should include the state of Florida seizing Disneyworld under eminent domain and turning it into a prison camp for Leftists fleeing the blue states they wrecked.
For a real magic thrill ride, read my award-worthy horror-adventure novel:
I wish that DeSantis would stay focused on Florida. We need more Republicans who care about the well-being of their own states than they do about the glamors of the presidency, because the demons of DC do not discriminate between parties; a lost soul is a lost soul.
Seconded. Who knows what kind of milquetoast GOP creature is waiting in the wings to replace him?
There appears to be something wrong with your blog’s RSS feed, the last new item it has is the *Sorcerer’s Harem*. As I use an aggregator for my blog reading, I would appreciate it if you could take a look when you can.
We’re aware of the problem. Multiple fixes have been tried, but it’s still in process. Thank you for your patience.
There is a reason that Bob Iger, a staunch Democrat, was handing over Mouse money to Florida Republicans. He knew he needed local political support to maintain the sovereignty Disney has had over the past 50 years or so. Getting into a political fight with people you really need to be on your side is an incredibly stupid idea. So stupid, I suspect Iger manipulated the situation to make Chepak look bad so he could return as Disney CEO. The whole thing has a Game of Thrones feel to it.
Combine this with them readying to lose Mickey Mouse shortly (they already lost Winnie the Pooh) and we may finally be seeing the ending of the Magic Kingdom. It took long enough.
Ending the indefinite duration of copyright in the US may be an additional benefit of the breaking of the Mouseferatu’s empire.
Mouseferatu… That’s good!
Darth Maus
I can’t claim to have invented the word itself–it was the handle of a TTRPG designer who probably doesn’t like us very much–but I will take credit for applying it to the megacorp. I was originally considering ‘Rat-Lich’, but decided that the vampiric analogy better reflected its tendency to devour and make its acquisitions demonic parodies of what they were. 🙂
In light of the failure of the copyright system, this is my advice to independent creators.
Don’t create protected estates for your IPs, and don’t rely on your children’s children to protect your legacy from the Devil; he’ll always find a way to buy it out. The Bible itself is clear that your successors will mismanage whatever they inherit from you.
Rather, allow your copyright to expire, and release your work into the public domain. The best case scenario is that future hobbyists—hobbyists who don’t hate their patrons—will work wonders with your characters and your settings and will elevate your work into “high” culture. The worst case scenario is that your work will stagnate and become forgotten to history, but it will rest in peace instead of shambling as a corporate zombie.
Don’t forget how leveraged they are after buying Fox. This is a really bad time for them to have to worry about their cash cow in Orlando.
“This is political retribution that is at play here. Only we are allowed to do that.”
This time, the roles really are reversed.
Feels good, man.
What flew under the radar with the removal of special districts was the “Stop WOKE Act”. This is a head-splody as Disney’s county-like privileges being stripped from them.
Note the vitriol in these “news” articles.
Yes, the function of news is to report who, what, when, why, and how and let the reader make up his mind.
Any headline that includes the phrases “Here’s what that means for X,” “And That’s a Good Thing,” or “The Conservative Case for Y” automatically outs itself as propaganda.