Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Combat Frame Data: XCD-200X

Technical Data
Model number: XCD-200X
Classification: prototype attack combat frame
Manufacturer: ISBC
Operator: UC Army
First deployment: CY 97
Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest
Height: 18 meters
Weight: 106 metric tons
Armor type: “1D” carbyne laminar armor
Powerplant: cold fusion reactor, max output classified
Propulsion: EM Impellers: 4x 38,900 kg, 4x 21,700 kg, 2x 36,300 kg, 3x 2,250 kg; top speed 3987 kph; maneuvering thrusters: 28, 180° turn time 0.61 seconds; legs: top ground speed 200 kph
Sensors: gravitic, radar, thermal, optical array; main binocular cameras mounted in head
Fixed armaments: x2 Rotating 4-chamber forearm dispenser, holds x2 plasma sword, x1 plasma lance blade emitter, and x1 graphene mono-blade launcher; Grand Dolph rifle, stored in rack on back, hand-carried in use
Optional hand armaments: x4 plasma sword, stored in rotating forearm dispensers, hand-carried in use; x2 backup plasma sword, stored in calf chambers, hand-carried in use; 3 sword hilts and 2 lance emitters can lock to form double plasma lance, hand-carried in use; graphene dagger/shuriken, dispensed from wrist launcher or hand-carried in use;  graphene shield, clips to left forearm
Special equipment: Ion field projector

General Notes

Even as mass-produced One-series XSeeds entered UCP service, ISBC strategists realized that more advanced combat frames would be needed to defeat the Ynzu threat. But extant generator technology limited mass production units’ performance.
ISBC set out in search of an energy breakthrough to power theoretical Two-series XSeed designs. One of their first successes occurred in CY 95, and a suitable combat platform was sought to test the new, higher-output fusion reactors.
A search of prior successful designs turned up plans for Zeklov-Astraea’s upgraded XCD-105 Eschaton XE. ISBC further modified the HALO Conflict-era XSeed to take full advantage of the experimental Two-series reactor. First, they discarded one set of arms and streamlined another pair to act as utility manipulators. These supplemental hands could pass extra weapons and ammunition to the testbed’s primary hands, drastically increasing operational efficiency.
To facilitate its focus on close combat, both of the test unit’s forearms were equipped with rotating dispensers containing two plasma swords and a plasma lance blade emitter. Each emitter revolved around the CF’s wrist, allowing its main and auxiliary arms easy access to fresh weapons.
The most novel innovation besides its Two-series reactor was the unit’s pair of mono-blade launchers. Mounted on the rotating forearm dispensers, each launcher was fed by a system that used the CF’s engines to cut and hone graphene stock. The resulting monofilament blades were fed through the shoulders and down the arms to emerge from the wrist launchers as knives, throwing stars, or flechettes. The mono-blades could be wielded in the CF’s hand or fired as armor-piercing projectiles. A rifle firing 70mm graphene-jacketed rounds taken from a Dolph Dragonfly rounded out the unit’s ranged weaponry.
Having armed their testbed unit to the teeth, ISBC engineers turned to upgrading the CF’s defenses. They sheathed the unit’s ammo compartments in graphene and reinforced the armor overall, including a helmet and faceguard that came just short of a Heavy Armor upgrade. A graphene shield that attached to the unit’s forearm bolstered its improved defenses, and the installation of an ion field projector made them state-of-the-art.
Given the model number XCD-200X, the Two-series prototype excelled in live combat trials. Yet it proved too complex and expensive to mass produce. Humanity would have to wait another year for the first mass production Two-series XSeed.
To see the new Two-series XSeed in action before the general public, back Combat Frame Ƶ XSeed now!
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