Summer is winding down, and that means another round of midterm elections is almost upon us. The regime’s policy of fueling bloodbaths abroad and economic chaos at home has met a public reception on par with a post-Starship Troopers Verhoeven movie. The High Party was facing its own electoral massacre, so their paymasters directed Puppet Pal Joe to do something the people want for a change.
Regular readers will know that I predicted the inevitability of student debt relief years ago. I also predicted how the DC court jesters known as Republicans would respond.
Upon further consideration, that’s a slight against court jesters. In more civilized times, they were allowed to mock the rulers while dispensing unpleasant truths with impunity. Today’s GOP is no less buffoonish, but they are only allowed to lie.
Biden’s plan offers $10,000 in debt relief to victims of the usurious higher education scam. Unlike loan forgiveness through income-based repayment plans, the forgiven amount is not considered taxable income. So it’s real relief.
That said, this plan’s main effect will be to raise debt-strapped Millennials’ net worth from -$30,000 to -$20,000. The feds own 92% of student debt and could wipe their share out with the stroke of a pen if they wanted, so forgiving 10 grand per borrower isn’t such a big deal.
But you’d never know that to look at Republicans, who couldn’t wait to go online and don the devil horns in the Dems’ mystery play.
Here’s Senator Tom Cotton fumbling to paint fraud victims as fat cats shaking down truckers. Never mind that Biden’s handlers’ plan has an income eligibility cap of $125,000.
Now if your response to the above figure is to grumble that in 1972 your first real job only paid 18 grand, and you don’t realize that’s the same amount adjusted for inflation, you should log off the internet, turn off Fox News, and waddle outside for some air.
Cotton’s capering for strangers’ applause is embarrassing, but it doesn’t hold a candle to Groyper War casualty Steven Crowder’s unforced own-goal.
Before you ask, yes, I checked.
And yes, it’s real.
How someone can be using Twitter and simultaneously forget that the internet exists boggles the mind. Though this Tweeter prefers a woman’s wig to devil horns.
Next up: Here’s Dan “Jesus is a hero archetype” Crenshaw presuming to lecture the rest of us on morality.
Captain Squint pulled that one from the GOP’s “They’re doing the right thing the wrong way!” file.
How do people keep falling for shopworn old shticks like that?
OK, I know the Democrat Party is just a full-on Satanic death cult at this point. But how does any well-meaning person with a shred of dignity still vote for Republicans?
People have tried throwing “Don’t give money to people who hate you” back in my face by claiming student debt relief gives money to pink-haired Wokeists. Then those same critics will pull the lever for cynical grifters who constantly backstab them and laugh about it.
All that line of argument shows is that the one making it has a shallow understanding of that maxim. Paying evildoers is material cooperation with evil. Opposing the repayment of evildoers’ victims is formal cooperation with evil. The operative moral in both cases is “Don’t cooperate with evil.” It’s not rocket science.
And have you ever noticed how student debtors are nose-pierced Studies majors whenever Conservatives pander to Boomers, but in front of a blue collar audience the only usury victims are big shot lawyers? They’re just bad-faith arguments.
The lesson: Always look at actions. The same Conservatives who decry $400 billion in student debt relief are silent on – or personally benefit from – twice that amount in PPP loans.
What’s the difference? PPP loan forgiveness helped corporations and investors. Student loan forgiveness is seen as helping the poor and the young – though quite a few Boomers have significant student debt.
Serious people are warning that the commanding lead Republicans enjoyed all year has now evaporated. Congress was the GOP’s to lose, and now they run the real risk of losing it to the child sacrifice and cricket flour party.
And if they do lose in November, it will be due to a well-deserved judgment for oppressing the poor – one of four sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance.
That might be the best outcome at this point.