Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

They Won’t Leave You Alone


If the feds’ brazen abuse of law enforcement and the courts to wage lawfare against a devout father of seven wasn’t warning enough, the regime just sent two more messages.

And the message is this: Persecution of American Christians isn’t coming. The persecution is here.

The FBI raided the home of pro-life activist Paul Vaughn in front of his children and arrested him, charging him with “conspiracy against rights secured by the FACE Act, and committing FACE Act violations.”

Vaughn, the married father of 11 children, told the Daily Signal that the FBI came to his home in Centerville, Tennessee last week with “guns pointed at the door, banging on the house, yelling and screaming, ‘Open up. FBI.’”

“When I opened the door and saw the guns pointed at me, I asked them what they wanted, who they were looking for, and they said they wanted me,” Vaughn continued.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson on Monday, October 10, Vaughn told the Fox News host that when the FBI came to his house, some of his kids were just heading to the car to go to school. One of the FBI agents “goes to the kids and holds the kids with a long gun outside of my driveway and does not let them go into the house.”

Watch the video of FBI agents terrorizing an innocent Christian family here.

Neither Houck nor Vaughn destroyed property, trespassed on government land, or attended a forbidden rally.

They’re pro-life activists, and in case you missed it, life is now the law of the land.

Some equate Merrick Garland’s sadism with how corrupt officials wield the law to punish troublemakers in banana republics. But the situation in the US is worse. In secular dictatorships, they only send the secret police after people who pose an immediate threat to the regime’s power or money.

But Garland’s worldly position is in no danger from guys like Houck and Vaughn. Because republicans have no concept of using political power against their opponents.

Meanwhile, the Death Cult have proven themselves quite able and eager to wield state power to punish their enemies.

And don’t kid yourself, the regime has declared Christians its mortal enemy. Because it was Christian judges who interrupted the constant flow of innocent blood in the Cult’s most cherished sacrament.

To spell it out for you, Houck and Vaughn aren’t being punished for alleged violations of some unjust law that protects infanticide. They’re being made a byword and a curse by a fanatical secular theocracy that will suffer no rival gods.

And if you think “fanatical” overstates the case, the Death Cult is yet again using the courts to harass that same Colorado baker for the umpteenth time.

Christian baker Jack Phillips was back in court last week defending his right not to create cakes that affirm LGBT ideology, more than four years after the U.S. Supreme Court declined an opportunity to conclusively settle the matter.

In 2018, Autumn Scardina filed a complaint against Phillips, the proprietor of Masterpiece Cakeshop, for declining to bake a cake that would be pink on the inside and blue on the outside to celebrate his “transition” from male to female. Two days later, Colorado Civil Rights Division (CCRD) director Aubrey Elenis claimed there was probable cause to conclude Phillips had unlawfully denied Scardina “equal enjoyment of a place of public accommodation.”

In response, the religious liberty nonprofit Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed a federal lawsuit against outgoing Democrat Gov. John Hickenlooper and the state civil rights commission, accusing them of ignoring the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2018 ruling in Phillips’ favor over same-sex “marriage” cakes and continuing to discriminate against Phillips’ faith.

In March 2019, the state Attorney General’s office announced that it and Phillips’ attorneys have “mutually agreed to end their ongoing state and federal court litigation,” including the CCRD action against Phillips, though the agreement did not preclude Scardina from filing a civil suit of his own in state court, which he did.

Last year, Denver District Judge A. Bruce Jones ruled that Phillips had violated the state’s anti-discrimination law, rejecting his argument that baking the pro-trans cake would constitute compelled speech and claiming his refusal was “inextricably intertwined” with denial of Scardina’s “gender identity.”

That is a real judge telling a Christian baker no one’s saying, “Bake the cake, bigot!” then saying “Bake the cake, bigot!”

Video here:

Human nature is created good. And it comes on two modes: male and female.

It’s also rational. And reason is the spiritual faculty that lets us discern the good.

So irrational spirituality, such as the mystical belief that a male soul can be mistakenly trapped in a female body, or vice versa, is a clear indicator of spiritual evil. I.e., the demonic.

Americans are a Christian people now ruled by a demonic occupation regime of hysterical, vengeful cultists.

They’ll  never forgive your transgressions of their perverse pieties.

They won’t leave you alone.

So arm yourself with information to help you endure persecution.

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