Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Atheism Kills

Despair Kills

This site has documented how atheism is over, with godlessness declining faster than any religion while Christianity holds steady as a percentage of the world population.

But it looks like you can’t keep a Reddit sperg with daddy issues down. Because the fedoras have sounded another quixotic charge at the spaghetti monster atop the windmill in their minds.

The zombie meme sent out from their low-age-of-consent Asian pleasure nests is the old “based Japan” canard.

If the sum of your life’s aspirations is to bang teenage hookers in an ethnically homogenous bug state, the above sounds like a pretty good deal.

The problem with basing one’s decisions on the pleasure principle, as always, arises when you factor in that pleasure is an insufficient source of meaning. And it turns out that people need meaning to live.

A new study by economists Tyler Giles, Daniel Hungerman, and Tamar Oostrom, “Opiates of the Masses: Deaths of Despair and the Decline of American Religion,” finds that the cause of the dramatic increase in so-called deaths of despair—such as suicides, deaths by opiate addiction and overdose, and alcoholism—is, quite simply, the decline of “organized religion.”

In just the past two decades, suicides are up 30 percent. The authors of the study sought to understand the factors causing “one of the most important economic and demographic issues of our time,” and they found that very little provided an explanation for the rise in despair, with one glaring exception: a decline in religious practice was highly correlative since the late 1990s, following a steep downturn in “religious adherence” (presumably the collapse of mainline Protestantism) in the late 1980s. Using the General Social Survey, the authors find that this had a disproportional effect on the poor, and especially on “white middle-aged Americans without a college degree.”

People can’t live without God.

The pattern holds for based Japan™ too, where suicide is the leading cause of males from Generations X, Y, and Z.

To atheists who would argue that suicide is not an intrinsic evil because it’s an effective – if extreme – solution to suffering, I’ll just point out that pain is nature’s warning system. If your arm hurts, chances are you have some kind of wound like a torn ligament or even a broken bone. Suicidal despair is spiritual pain that indicates a wounded soul.

On a basic level, an injury is the absence of health. It means something that should be there is missing.

The despair epidemic is a warning that too many people are missing God.

NB: Even if one were to consider suicide a potential good – which I don’t – despair attacks societies from the other end, too.

Look at the Japanese fertility rate:

If these trends continue, the last Japanese person will die in AD 2500.

A position on religion – or the rejection thereof – that would extinguish the population which adopts it can’t be considered a social good. Unless you consider mass death an intrinsic good, in which case you are a death cultist by definition.

Yet atheists aren’t the only Moloch and Mammon worshiping hedonists BTFO by this study. It detonates a sacred cow of Libertarians, and Liberals in general.

Yet the most powerful aspect of the study, especially for readers of Postliberal Order, is that the authors track the rising despair and the decline of religion most precisely to the repeal of blue laws.

“These laws have been shown to be strongly related to religious practice, creating discrete changes in incentives to attend religious services . . . the repeal of these laws lowered religious participation.”

While politics is downstream from religion, that doesn’t mean the former has no impact on the latter. You can have a vicious cycle in which a slip in religiosity leads to a change in laws that undermine religion’s role in the public square. That in turn leads to further slippage in religious practice, etc.

When you understand the problem, you have the solution. To save America from Japan’s fate, we must reinstate Sunday blue laws and go back to enforcing the blasphemy laws already on the books.


For more actionable tips on fighting the Death Cult, read my #1 best seller:

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