It’s no secret that this blog has been critical of Conservative pundit Steven Crowder. After all, his career is one of the answers to the often-asked question “Why doesn’t Conservative media ever do anything effective in the culture war?”
But now, it looks as if Crowder is breaking the Con Inc. oath of omerta and confirming their detractors’ most serious accusations.
Here’s Crowder going over his Daily Wire contract. Hear him out as he discusses what greedy control freaks they act like:
Regarding the draconian contract clauses he’s taking issue with: To be frank, that’s how business goes. In negotiations like these, either party can ask for any provisions they want. If one party is adamant that some demand or other is a deal-breaker, he’s free to walk away.
Which, to his credit, Steven Crowder is doing. That’s fair.
The real bombshell isn’t Crowder’s contact terms; it’s his public revelation of Con Inc’s motives.
I’ve always explained my logic was relatively simple. I believe that the world was better with more voices out there rather than less, regardless of minute differences, considering the magnitude of the battle that we are genuinely fighting for our country right now.
But for the first time, I have to say that I believe many of those in charge in the right-leaning media are actually at odds with what’s best for you, the viewer, the customer, and more importantly, the country.
The Big Conservative media brands never score wins against the Left because they’re in bed together.
For real, they’re the Washington Generals to the Left’s Globetrotters.
Never forget that Con Inc. golden boy Ben Shapiro was created by Hollywood Producer Jeremy Boreing.
And it’s Boreing who’s now making the rounds running damage control against Crowder’s exposé.
Boreing also jumped the “Don’t give money to people who hate you” train to shill a self-branded line of razors. That lame stunt alone should tell you how these running dogs operate.
Because as Crowder has learned, it’s not only the Left that hates you.
Their willing accomplices on the fake Right not only hate you, they want to make sure there’s no genuine opposition to fight for you. And they want to fleece you in the bargain.
Drop Con Inc.