Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Now or Never for Nihon

Japanese PM

We’ve covered Japan’s demographic woes here before.

Some people scoffed at the ancient island nation’s peril. But now her own prime minister is warning the time to address Nihon’s population crisis is “now or never.”

Japanese Prime minister Fumio Kishida pledged on Monday to take urgent steps to tackle the country’s declining birth rate, saying it was “now or never” for one of the world’s oldest societies.

Japan has in recent years been trying to encourage its people to have more children with promises of cash bonuses and better benefits, but it remains one of the most expensive places in the world to raise a child, according to surveys.

I found multiple studies confirming that money is the number-one barrier to Japanese couples having more kids. Here’s one of them.

What’s heartbreaking is that 70 percent of Japanese couples want more kids. They just don’t think they can afford them.


The lion’s share of Japanese child-rearing costs goes to education.

If you’re not familiar with the Japanese school system, watching a handful of episodes from any slice-of-life anime series will fill you in.

Prior to the 19th century, Japan had a more or less Chinese system designed to prepare lordlings to join the imperial bureaucracy. But in the Meiji era Japan sent fact-finding missions to study foreign education methods. Like America, they adopted the Prussian style compulsory schooling model. But they implemented a turbo version that went year-round.

That’s not even mentioning the intense pressure Japanese culture puts on kids to participate in extracurricular activities. Then you have additional cram schools that offer test prep for the high school exams that pretty much determine the course of each student’s life.

Also like in America, K-12 public school tuition is free. But parents are under growing pressure to spring for expensive private schools, tutors, and special programs.

The whole affair is a web of perverse incentives that put an enormous financial drain on parents while ensuring they can hardly spend time with their kids.

It kind of makes sense when you consider that Japan is one of the least religious first world nations. And that’s saying something.

If you don’t find meaning in God, you’ll seek it somewhere else. And academic achievement seems to form the core of many Japanese kids’ identities.

The fact that this unnatural situation is unsustainable is now coming back to bite its adherents.

Births plunged to a new record low last year, according to official estimates, dropping below 800,000 for the first time – a watershed moment that came eight years earlier than the government had expected.

That most likely precipitated a further population decline in a country where the median age is 49, the highest in the world behind only the tiny city-state of Monaco.

“Our nation is on the cusp of whether it can maintain its societal functions,” Kishida said in a policy speech at the opening of this year’s parliamentary session.

Therein lies the dilemma facing Japan.

You can’t just overturn the education paradigm overnight. Maybe you could totally overhaul the public school system. But the way the Japanese people interact with education as a cultural institution is so baked in that any significant change would create a catastrophic shock.

But if they don’t do something fast, the Japanese economy will implode as the population decline leads to a major contraction.

There’s not much more to say, here.

This is just a huge mess that will take generations to clean up.

We can, however, learn the clear lesson that Prussian style education destroys societies.

Which is all the more reason to raise your own kids.

That’s just one part of not supporting institutions that hate you.

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