Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Combat Frame Data: YX-35A-01 Siegfried


Model Number: YX-35A-01

Code Name: Einherjar Siegfried

Classification: XSeed Destroyer

Manufacturer: Sciuridae Technical Solutions

Operator: Systems Overterrestrial Coalition

First Deployment: CY 99

Crew: 1 pilot, 2 onboard AI

Height: 21 meters

Weight: Dry weight 162 metric tons, full weight 188 metric tons

Armor Type: Carbyne laminar armor

Powerplant: 2 super high-efficiency micro fusion reactors: maximum output 13,000 KW

Propulsion: EM impellers, 6x 120,000 kg thrust; maneuvering impellers: 36; top speed 8058 kph in vacuum; top ground speed 180 kph

Sensors: Radar, thermal, optical, gravitational arrays

Hand Armaments: x1 directed gravitational implosion lance, power rated at 12 MW, x1 dual-phase gravitic implosion stiletto, power rated at 4 MW, x1 ion-breaker rifle, carries 30 cartridges.

Fixed Armaments: x2 dual integrated railgun, fires 40mm graphene-coated tungsten rounds, loads 180 rounds per magazine. x2 micro-singularity bodkin missile swarm pods.

Special Equipment: Experimental ion field generator, radius 40 meters. Burst discharge system, max output 4500 KW. Internal nanite repair system. SPATHA gravitational manipulation system.

General Notes

In the course of the Einherjar AI Supersoldier program, several options were explored to stabilize the notorious AI and keep them on task. Prior to the creation of the Valkyrie AI, the most promising route seemed to be a hybrid system of human commanders working in close concert with the Einherjar themselves. A number of full-size Einherjar-based XSeedss were prototyped as command and control models before that part of the program was mothballed in the mid-70s. Mass production of the models was considered and rejected on the grounds that there were already several tried and tested XSeeds that had already gone through their teething troubles.

Still, science, weapons development, and military procurement bureaucracies march on, especially in the middle of an existential war. Starting in CY 79, a SOC weapons program exploring gravitic weaponry noticed that there were several spare combat frames with nothing but basic systems in the facility: perfect test-beds for field testing. An integrated graviton beam projector was installed in the torso of one, live-fire tests were conducted for about a week, and though the scientists and bureaucrats didn’t know it, history was made. Soon after, another department in the facility read the reports, decided it was free real estate, and installed a plasma cannon in the model in advance of field tests the following month (and budget requests the month after). Department heads took notice, technicians were notified, and the prototypes’ test pilots realized their lives were about to get much busier.

Several decades (and at least one inter-departmental shooting war) later, the SOC realized that a number of the prototype models were, hypothetically, capable of destroying an Ynzu Controller in one-on-one combat. While the Einherjar program was showing a certain amount of promise as mass-produced fighters, actions by certain heroic individuals over the years demonstrated the utility of singular systems devoted to killing their counterparts. The most promising array of weapons were selected and installed, armor was piled on, and an XSeed Destroyer was created. In keeping with its dragon-slaying mission, this Einherjar was christened Siegfried.

The two main selling points of the Siegfried were its SPATHA gravity manipulation system and its power plant. Based heavily off of the power plant of one of its potential targets, the Typhon, the Siegfried actually set records for the largest powerplant ever installed on a combat frame (in physical dimensions). The SPATHA, meanwhile, was both an offensive and defensive weapon and was initially created specifically to counter the Ynzu Controller Imhullu. Twin AIs, half-jokingly named FAFNIR and REGIN, were installed to run integrated weapons and perform the precise, split-second calculations needed to properly use the SPATHA.

This deadly combat frame would finally be ready to take the field in CY 99.


Siegfried takes the field in Combat Frame Ƶ XSeed. Get ready by reading the series’ first book Combat Frame XSeed: S today!

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