Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier


Trump Arrest

Loyal readers know I’ve said since Biden was installed that the regime would railroad Donald Trump to neutralize his candidacy through lawfare. This is just the most recent example.

Yesterday, a High Party DA finally kept a promise the party had been making to its zealot contingent since 2016.

Trump was arraigned in New York City on Tuesday after being indicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. Trump pleaded not guilty to the charges.

To be up front with you, I’m not even going to take credit for this prediction.

Everybody saw this coming, except oblivious Conservatives who are still shocked when the Death Cult does exactly what it told them it would do.

In all honesty, the most interesting comment on this show trial didn’t come from any current or former American president, it came from the president of El Salvador.

Not to throw shade at the Salvadoran President, but his reaction bears a striking resemblance to a certain meme …


Everybody should know by now that accusing the Death Cult of double standards accomplishes nothing.

Their entire morality is based on not being subject to true morality.

That’s the main appeal of the Death Cult: getting a pass to indulge in sins, not just without shame, but while feeling like a paragon of goodness.

So they take normal people’s accusations of immorality as proof of their moral uprightness.

Bukele does have a point, though.

The US regime is immune to charges of hypocrisy. But their constant browbeating of every other country in the name of democracy while backing the overthrow of democratically elected governments is making them hemorrhage allies.

Just ask yourself how many other heads of state are thinking what the President of El Salvador said.

Lots of folks in Washington should be asking themselves the same question.

And the answer should make them dial back the despotism.

But they won’t.

Because fanatical Death Cult.

Prepare for chaos.

And stop funding the cult.

Let my #1 best seller show you how:

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