Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

They Were Fearful


Tales of high strangeness have become a fixture on this blog these past years. So much so that people have started sending me weird stories unsolicited.

The following was referred to me by a Twitter mutual:

There’s more to the story.

Parker, now 58, was 18 when he went fishing with Hickson on a tranquil Thursday night after work.

As they dangled their lines without much luck, the two said a UFO with blue lights swooped down. They told of a zipping noise made by the object.

Hickson, then 42, said three creatures with leathery gray skin and crab-like claws — he thought they were robots — took them by the forearms and levitated them aboard the craft. He said something that looked like a large floating eye appeared to examine him.

Parker says he was conscious but paralyzed.

“They gave a thorough, I mean a thorough, examination to me just like any doctor would,” he said.

And then they were back on the shore, where it all began. The UFO was gone and Parker said they tried to collect themselves. Hickson needed three shots of liquor from a bottle in his car to calm his nerves before deciding to report what happened.

At the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department, deputies initially suspected both men were drunk. Then-Capt. Glenn Ryder, who still works for the sheriff’s office, said he laughed at the report, but met with the men. Parker and Hickson stuck to their story.

After the formal interview, deputies left Hickson and Parker together in a room with a hidden tape recorder, hoping to catch them in a lie.

“Me and the other investigator got up and left to let them talk, to see if they were going to say, ‘Well, we got them fooled,’ but they didn’t,” Ryder said. “They were really concerned.”

On the tape, Hickson tells Parker, “It scared me to death too, son. You can’t get over it in a lifetime. Jesus Christ have mercy.”

“I don’t know what happened to them,” Ryder said. “I wasn’t there with them, but I know you don’t fake fear, and they were fearful. They were fearful.”

OK, at this point, everybody who’s not a Project Blue Beam psyoped bugman gets that aliens are demons, right?

That last line of the excerpt above is the key clue.

Hickson and Parker were described as “fearful.” Based on the circumstances of their encounter, inflicting fear had to have been their abductors’ motive.

Think about it.

Traveling across interstellar distances would require a level of technology we can’t even conceive of.

Let’s say a Western agency wanted to study a primitive tribe who are 1000 years behind us technologically.

We have satellites capable of reading a newspaper from space. Suffice it to say, we could learn a lot about a jungle tribe without them ever being the wiser.

Now imagine what a civilization 100o – or even 10,000 – years more advanced than us could have done in 1973.

If aliens in possession of FTL propulsion tech wanted average Americans’ medical information, they could easily get it without the subjects ever knowing what happened.

Smarter guys than me have pointed that fact out.

Which means the light show, the physical abduction, and the invasive medical tests were scare tactics.

Spiritual masters have long noted that a key to discerning spirits is taking stock of how the visitation made you feel.

Coming away with negative emotions like anger, sorrow, and fear is a telltale sign of the infernal.

Look, I used to be skeptical when someone would argue “It’s the same phenomenon folks used to report as being whisked off to faerie land or visited by an incubus. Aliens have replaced fae and demons in the zeitgeist, so now people are claiming alien abduction.”

And I’d be like “Yeah, because the aliens have been at this a long time, and now we have the knowledge to identify them.”

But that explanation makes less and less sense the more you know about astronomy, physics, and economics.

A two-way interstellar voyage would take an obscene amount of energy. And someone would have to pay for it somehow.

Let us hear no more of the “post-scarcity” society. That’s as much of a Boomer sci-fi trope as Venusian gurus starting UFO religions.

Look at your light bill, the gas pump, and even your supermarket receipt. It’s higher than at this time last year, right?

Yes, inflation plays a role. But so does laying sanctions on and bombing pipelines from one of the world’s biggest oil producers.

The point is that entropy wins, so energy isn’t free.

When the Spanish launched expeditions to the New World, they were going after gold.

Hypothetical extraterrestrials would likewise not send missions to Earth unless it was worth their while.

Again, even a one-way FTL trip would be hugely expensive. So if the goal is information, you’re talking an unmanned probe.

A two-way trip would have an even more exorbitant price tag. The only conceivable gain that could justify such an effort would be enslaving humanity, at least  until our labor paid off the cost of the round trip.

“OK, then,” you might say. “Then these really are aliens, and they’re here to take over the world.”

You’d be forgetting the unfathomable tech gap mentioned above, though.

If aliens advanced enough to master FTL travel wanted to come here and take over, they’d not only do it without resistance, they’d do it and you’d never know it.

Think more They Live than War of the Worlds.

Which is why the overt supposed alien activity over the last century – and the supposed government confirmation of UFOS – is super suspicious.

Again, demons are the more parsimonious answer, given we know that we are ruled by a diabolical Death Cult.

And demons are more than willing to be mistaken for aliens. Exorcists like Fr. Chad Ripperger point out that demons’ #1 rule is “Anything but God.” They’re happy for you to fixate on extraterrestrial life if it distracts you from the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

No, the scariest answer is that aliens are demons masquerading as E.T. and they’re here to lead you into eternal hellfire.

Musk’s tweet wouldn’t even be possible if not for self-referential reductionist materialism.

Which is also self-refuting since materialism is non-material.

He needs to grow out of his nerd rapture phase.

We already know for a moral certainty that men are not the only rational beings in the universe. On the contrary, the cosmos teems with trillions of intelligences, the least of which makes the highest-IQ bugman look like a special ed student.

And a third of those pure intellects is waging a proxy war on Logos Himself using us as pawns.

Have a nice day.


And read a sci fi-adventure story that takes the threat of damnation seriously.

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