General Notes
Contrary to common opinion, the XCD-AK201 Angel King was not the first Two-series XSeed fielded by UCP-aligned forces. Unlike the prototype tested in CY 97, another next-generation CF engaged in solo covert actions against the foes of humanity.
Shadowy terrorist Arthur Wake leveraged his position as the secret fifth trustee behind ISBC to advance his private agenda. He knew before even the most astute analysts that the UCP’s One-series XSeeds could not defeat the Ynzu swarms. Aware of energy breakthroughs achieved in CY 95, he discreetly tasked separate design teams with building a machine to strike fear into even mindless alien hearts.
Despite not knowing what kind of monster they were creating, Arthur’s teams realized a production type Two-series XSeed a full year ahead of Karsten. Arthur had the hulking frame secreted away to his base in Colorado, where he pronounced the final product adequate.
Not only did the XCF-220H boast a full Two-series reactor, it was one of the most powerful CF generators then in operation. The extra power came at the price of miniaturization, and this XSeed stands five meters taller than most standard frames. Its imposing stature led to ISBC engineers nicknaming the unit the “Beast,” to which Arthur prefixed his self-appointed role as judge of all who opposed humanity.
In keeping with Arthur’s drive for efficiency, the Judgment Beast featured a minimalist weapons loadout. Its main armaments were a set of two dual weapon mounts: a double graviton Gatling in the bracer on its right wrist, and a double graviton grenade launcher in the bracer on its left. These weapons resembled – and were derived from the same Ynzu tech as – the Angel King‘s trinary weapon system, but were considerably more powerful. Its sole hand weapon was likewise a larger predecessor of the XCD-AK201’s graviton sword, albeit without selectable output. This weapons configuration gave the Beast versatility and speed in combat rivaled by few other units.
Far from a glass cannon, the Judgment beast featured perhaps even more impressive defenses. Its armor equaled the χMetatron‘s, though not doubled. The Beast even surpassed the legendary CF’s speed and matched its maneuverability with a massive gravity drive. Supplemented by the most advanced gravitic cloak yet produced, the Judgment Beast could fall upon and annihilate the enemy without them ever knowing what hit them.
Speculation runs rampant as to whether Arthur could have defeated his old friend and rival Theodore Red with the latter piloting the Metatron. History will never know, since the Martian Crown Prince’s throne had suffered catastrophic damage before Arthur came to judge the self-styled God Emperor’s domain.
See the Judgment Beast in action! Read the epic mech saga’s stunning conclusion now: