I told you that Work-a-Weapon 3 would rock your world.
But you didn’t believe me.
About WaW 3
From Dorrinal: Spear or harpoon, force of nature, atavistic. The Spearhead (the actual relic; its haft is unimportant and has been changed many times over the centuries) is a megalodon-sized tooth said to have been taken from an avatar of Elathan. It has its own desire to hunt that it impresses on its wielder, which makes him a consummate hunter. Eventually, good and evil fall away in favor of predator vs. prey mentality.
General powers:
• Super sharp (armor-piercing)
• Super durable3 tiers of additional power:
Tier 1 – Infused aptitudes
• Heightened senses (especially smell and sight)
• Bio-electric location (almost clairvoyant) for nigh-inerrant tracking of prey
• Increases wielder’s strength, speed, and stamina
• Infused swimming expertiseTier 2 – Physical changes (to spear and wielder)
• Underwater breathing
• Spear can sprout colossal squid-style claw-hook from pommel.
• Wielder’s healing rate increases dramaticallyTier 3 – Union with Elathan
• Infused Nexic telepathy
• Wielder can assume bestial shape.
• Localized weather control (call rain, summon squalls, raise rogue waves, etc.)Unlocking each level requires feeding the tooth certain quantities of the heart’s blood of increasingly powerful opponents (fastest gun in the West syndrome).
-Piercing the prey’s heart with the spearhead suffices at first, but to reach Tier 3, the user must consume his prey’s heart and drink the blood.The weapon gradually transforms the user over time into an animalistic state.
-Boosts his confidence at first, then turns him into an amoral megalomaniac.
-He becomes more ruthless and single-minded (stops using complete sentences).
-May turn on comrades who come between him and what he wants.
And the kicker …
The spear may abandon its current user for a superior wielder, whom it compels the current owner to seek out.
You may have noticed that the Work-a-Weapons are turning The Burned Book into Soulcalibur.
And I am loving it.
This evil sea god-themed spear needs a fitting name. And as is now an Arkwright Cycle tradition, the backer is putting you guys on it.
You haven’t let us down yet, and I know you won’t now. Post your best sharktooth spear name in the comments.
Speaking of magic weapons, claim your chance to add a new worked weapon to the Arkwright Cycle. Back Lord of Fate now.