Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

A Sane and Healthy Society

We Live in a Society

With Con Inc collapsing, its aging devotees sound like they’ve suffered a strange form of partial memory loss. They are smart, well-meaning people. Yet the mere utterance of certain buzzwords is enough to make them suspend their Christian morals and carry on like the market is a god.

If one issue hits the BoomerCon berserk button, it’s student debt relief. So much as suggest that maybe we should act to help out the marks of a multi-trillion-dollar government scam, and the Mammon cult conditioning kicks in.

From a recent convo on X. Dan has it right.

Related: Mammon Mobbery

Not so long ago, you could point out that these student loans constitute usury, which the Church still condemns, and the guilt for which lies only with the lender. Conservatives would nod and agree that a just society would step in to assist victims of fraud.

But these days, the Mammon Mobsters’ masks are starting to slip.

Related: Three More Cults

It’s no secret that Gen Y and Millennials lag far behind their parents’ financial attainment at the same age. This imminent fiscal disaster threatens Baby Boomers’ assets, retirement accounts, and Social Security. And graying Boomers are struggling to sell their homes because younger folks aren’t earning enough to buy houses.

But that’s just in the short to middle term. In the long run, the economic toll of multiple generations with standards of living well below their parents’ sets us on track for another 2008-scale catastrophe.

Related: Mammon Mob Comes for Retirees

As was restated recently, understanding the problem gives you the solution. Why are Millennials, Ys, and even Xers struggling economically? Does everyone younger than the Boomers suffer from weak character and work ethics?

That’s not what the data says. Ys and Millennials forfeit more vacation days and work more overtime than Boomers. Most of the differences in generational work habits arise from members of those generations being at different stages in their lives with correspondingly different goals.

Related: Debt Zombies

Now, some say this earning discrepancy is due to Millennials picking joke majors like “studies” programs instead of STEM.

But that meme doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Only 26 percent of STEM graduates work in their field of study, Besides, STEM jobs are only 6 percent of the US work force, and the flood of H1 visa holders drives competition for the few jobs up and drives wages down.

Related: Unforgiven

Another major cause of younger generations’ impoverishment, is, you guessed it, the student debt racket. US student loan debt currently stands at $2 trillion. Much of that debt cannot be repaid; not even by doctors and lawyers making six figures. Many of these kids will need to become millionaires to pay down the principal.

Huge financial crises like the student debt bubble don’t just happen out of the blue. Those who say it’s all Millennial students being too dumb and lazy to research the risks of usury or profitable majors are glibly ignoring another problem: These alleged slothful dullards will soon be in charge.

Related: Millennials—Depressed and Disordered

The truth that many Conservatives would rather not face is that their kids were fleeced. A sane, healthy society requires that the young can trust their elders. When every authority gives kids catastrophically wrong information while insisting they act on it, the only honest conclusion is that the kids were conned.

It’s scandalous how few Christian Conservatives don’t get the picture. When confronted, they used to parrot mantras about “personal responsibility” and “paying what you owe.” Now, they’re just as likely to admit they want usury victims to suffer. That open contempt for the young and the poor is the mark of Mammon.

Related: Millennials’ Generational Poverty

Christ challenged His disciples to give half their wealth to the poor. He made forgiveness for sins contingent on our forgiveness of debts. Christians are to show preference to the poor–especially their own countrymen. You cannot gloat over someone who’s in poverty—even if his own bad choices got him there—while saying Christ is King.

Student loan relief is a practical measure needed to stave off a collapse. And it’s popular with voters. Republicans know that, but their market worship keeps them from offering their own solution. Instead, they just accuse Democrats of vote buying.

Related: How We Can Help Millennials

Millennials are suffering worse than anyone else under the yoke of student debt. And they’re about to become the country’s biggest voting bloc. Both parties should favor doing so out of self-interest alone. But Republicans just point and shriek at Democrats and fraud victims.

It’s yet another example of donning the devil horns in the Left’s morality play. And yet again, Conservatives have invented a false moral principle to excuse inaction.

Related: Don’t Don the Devil Horns

The end goal of politics is deciding how best to allocate resources for the good of the greatest number of people. That takes winning elections and using political power to help your constituents. The Mammon Mob won’t even help themselves.

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