Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

As Predicted, Donald Trump Convicted in Show Trial

Donald Trump

Photo: Doug Mills/New York Times

Longtime readers are aware that I’ve been saying for years that the regime would railroad Donald Trump on upjumped charges.

Now, as predicted, a New York judge has convicted Donald Trump in a highly publicized show trial.

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump became the first former American president to be convicted of felony crimes Thursday as a New York jury found him guilty of all 34 charges in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through a hush money payment to a porn actor who said the two had sex.

Trump sat stone-faced while the verdict was read as cheering from the street below could be heard in the hallway on the courthouse’s 15th floor where the decision was revealed after more than nine hours of deliberations.

Related: The Tragedy of Trump

Judge Juan M. Merchan set sentencing for July 11, just days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where GOP leaders, who remained resolute in their support in the aftermath of the verdict, are expected to formally make him their nominee.

Speculation rages on the question of whether the judge will imprison Trump at the July 11 sentencing, or if his incarceration will be somehow deferred. The latter seems more likely to avoid the international embarrassment of the leading presidential candidate campaigning from prison. Not to mention Secret Service logistics. Then again, those are rational concerns, and our rulers are not rational actors.

Screencap: Angel on X

In all honesty, understanding the regime’s behavior isn’t all that hard. The only people who have difficulty wrapping their heads around the ruling cult’s motives haven’t yet internalized that they are a cult.

It’s simple. The Cult sees democracy—by which they mean their unquestioned hegemony—as sacred. They are priests of the secular religion. Donald Trump was an outisder who dared invade their sanctuary, so they must punish him. It’s not about any practical political strategy. They don’t care about that. If they did, they’d be focused on practical matters proper to politics like runaway inflation, border security, or sane foreign policy. Instead, they’re obsessed with ritually burning the infidel. If that wasn’t clear when they raided his house on the flimsiest pretext, I don’t know how to help you.

Related: Court Disqualifies Trump for 2024

The secular ruling cult may disavow God, but they still need a Devil. Theirs is an entirely negative identity that relies on defining itself against an out group for meaning. As we have seen over the past decade, Donald Trump has become a living symbol of everything our rulers are not. That’s why they can’t take reasonable steps to defeat and sideline him. They have to destroy him symbolically.

They even admit it.

The conviction, and even imprisonment, will not bar Trump from continuing his White House pursuit.

Trump faces three other felony indictments, but the New York case may be the only one to reach a conclusion before the November election, adding to the significance of the outcome. Though the legal and historical implications of the verdict are readily apparent, the political consequences are less so given its potential to reinforce rather than reshape already hardened opinions about Trump.

At this point, there are three ways events can unfold:

What will really happen? Only time will tell.

The far more important takeaway is that the ruling cult has now de facto abolished the last vestiges of the rule of law. Voting at the national level no longer matters since the government has now claimed the power to jail unapporved opposition candidates. And once government gains a power, it never gives it up.

That is not a black pill. The regime’s democracy worship dictates that they must plausibly be able to claim an electoral mandate. People losing faith in the system in large numbers undermines the Cult’s rule. And they just did more self-inflicted damage to the integrity of the system than any act short of going full Grassy Knoll could do.

Prepare for chaos.

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