A lot of well-meaning normal people still make the mistake of thinking the Death Cult are moral relativists.
But scratch a Death Cultist, and you’ll find a moral absolutist, as a recent exchange on X illustrates.
Every once in a while, a poll comes out showing that growing numbers of Americans on the right and the left favor a national divorce along ideological lines.
But as our Cultist above admits, the true believers will never let us leave.
Releated: Briggs’ Death Cult Compass
“These Cultists are moral busybodies,” you might say, “but at least they have high-minded ideals.”
I answer, to disabuse yourself of that quaint notion, read on.
Notice how the Cultist advocates using government force to override popular sovereignty, despite her media high priests droning on about how sacred democracy is.
Boomers would point and crow “Look! She dropped the mask and revealed her hypocrisy!”
And they would be wrong, as we’ll see.
For those in the cheap seats, here’s what’s going on under the hood of this discussion:
- Death Cultists operate on the moral level, despite any pretense to the contrary
- The source of Death Cult morality is the Cultists’ feelings
- Those feelings justify imposing the Cult’s doctrines on everyone without exception by any means necessary, up to and including force.
The preceding may look like a paradox, but again, it’s not.
What you’re looking at is the inevitable logical extreme end of Modernism.
Related: The Ethic of the Death Cult
Because when all questions are reduced to matters of personal preference, the result isn’t freedom, or even rampant debauchery (though you get that as well). It’s total, unlimited tyranny.
Why? The apparent contradiction isn’t hard to untangle.
If the sole measure of the good is individual preference, before long, two people’s preferences will come into conflict. And because everyone—and thus everyone’s tastes—are equal according to Modernism, the only recourse to resolve these conflicts is state power.
Just like the Death Cultist on X admitted.
So, what’s the right way to respond when a member of the Death Cult starts pontificating based on her feelz?
Also simple: Deny her unwarranted claim to moral authority.
So ends the lesson.
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