Success in any contest, whether it’s athletic, cultural, or spiritual, requires an understanding of the situation grounded in reality. That also means adhering to the time-tested maxim “Know thyself.”
The enemy in the current battle for Christendom’s soul spent the past century on a long march through the institutions and now controls all of them. Don’t expect any help from anyone in media, academia, big business, or even most of the Church hierarchy. The cavalry ain’t coming.

Before we delve into options for fighting back, we must define our terms, specifically, ourselves. The enemy has done the job for us, since they are the ones who have initiated an unprovoked war of conquest against a foe they are all to eager to name. The boogeymen they seek to destroy are straight, white, Christian men and the civilization they sustain.
The next step toward fully grasping the nature of the struggle is identifying the enemy. Who is leading the war on the civilization that European Christians built? There is frustratingly little consensus on that front. It’s tempting to just reverse the enemy’s checklist, but it’s clear that they’re playing most members of their coalition.
Related: Briggs’ Death Cult Compass
Take a look at who really controls the American, and most European, governments, and you see the same sorts of people from the same kinds of generationally wealthy families. They all attended the same prestigious schools and live in the same class exclusive zip codes. Our managerial elite occupy an incestuous hive mind where multiculturalism, socialism, and globalism are taken for granted as positive goods.
A price of living in an epistemic closure bubble is being unable to comprehend anyone having a contrary opinion. So cognitive dissonance compels our rulers to dismiss most of their subjects as backward rubes. And because rejection of the elites’ ideas is considered an affront to their group identity, our rulers respond with hatred.
As a result, the ruling class seeks to dissolve their obstinate people and elect another. That the peoples they import hail from cultures fundamentally at odds with the elites’ own worldview is of no concern to them. Instead they take perverse delight in seeing the citizens they should care for immiserated, firmly believing we have it coming.
And yet, not even widespread noblesse malice fully explains the reckless hate directed at us by our rulers. Nor does it account for the sadistic cruelty with which they not only seek to disenfranchise us, but to systematically remove all sources of joy from our lives.
Now that we’ve defined the enemy, let’s see what we can do to foil his maniacal plans.
Stop giving money and attention to people that hate you
Leave the Pop Cult. The high priests in charge of all major IPs know they’re alienating their core audience. They don’t care. Making money isn’t their chief concern. Their primary aim is to make you miserable. As a result, they’ll eventually destroy their industries, but they’ll do catastrophic cultural and spiritual damage on the way down.
Hasten their demise and mitigate the fallout by not giving your enemy the money they have you earning less and less of. Don’t pay to see new Hollywood films. There’s no excuse for paying the major studios, Netflix, etc. to insult you.
Take creative political action
Maybe Trump’s only achievement was exposing the Swamp/Deep State/Military-industrial Complex/whatever’s death grip on government. The veil has been cast aside, and the wicked men pulling the levers of power have been revealed.
As a result, fewer and fewer people maintain the the illusion that Republicans and Democrats differ in any substantial way. Only the most deluded still think it’s just a small but corrupt minority in the federal law enforcement and spy agencies actively persecuting Christians.
Related: They’re Coming for Christians
Over the past few years, our elites have irrevocably associated “democracy” with “rule by unaccountable bureaucrats.” It’s an open secret that unless you are a major corporation, your vote doesn’t matter.
Related: Paranormal Beliefs
That’s not to say all voting is pointless. If you live in a reliable red district, primary out GOPe stooges in favor of normal people who support your interests. All other considerations should be placed on the back burner for the duration of the crisis.
If you live in a blue district, vote in the Democrat primary for the most psychotic Death Cultists possible. Choosing our guy’s opponent is a patented Democrat trick that we can add to our repertoire.
Make the culture you want to see
- Self-publish a science fiction novel in the tradition of the pulps.
- Get some friends together, rent a camera, and do some guerrilla film making.
- Record and release a rock album that retains the genre’s blues roots.
- Produce an independent comic featuring virtuous men performing acts of real heroism.
- Start a podcast or a vlog dedicated to some aspect of traditional Western culture.
- Blog daily, offering constructive criticism aimed at helping other artists improve.
- If you’re not artistically inclined, support the creators who are.
Go to church
We contend not with flesh and blood, but with powers, principalities, and spirits of the air. Even our destruction is not the enemy’s ultimate goal, but a means to his real aim of striking at the Christ. And without Christ’s help, we cannot prevail.
Yes, much of the church’s leadership is corrupt. But they are just the earthly tip of a celestial spear that descends from Heaven. However many Judases the enemy makes in the Church Militant, he cannot touch the Church Triumphant.
For the heathens out there, know that you are walking unarmed into a spiritual battle. Rejecting God will not make the enemy to spare you. Instead, he will gleefully accuse you of that sin at your judgment. The civilization that Christians built gave you the freedom you’ve abused to attack its source. And if Christendom falls, your license goes with it. You’re already acquainted with LARPing, so try pretending to believe for an hour each Sunday.
Because we face relentless attack on all sides from an enemy that cannot be reasoned or negotiated with. But since they have us surrounded, they have no escape.
Do what you can where you are with what you’ve got.
The deep lore of Tolkien meets the brutal struggle of Glen Cook in the dark fantasy prelude to the acclaimed Soul Cycle.
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