

Ask most people their opinion of pre-democratic societies, and aside from a few D&D nerds, most will decry the monarchies and aristocracies of yore as tyrannical nightmares. The king and his barons--possibly with some oversight from the Church--made all the important policy decisions, and the common man got no vote.…
The Great Porn Debate

The Great Porn Debate

The social media war over banning pornography that's raged these past two months came to a head on the #Killstream, where Catholic author Dr. E. Michael Jones debated YouTuber Styx Hexenhammer. Watch the debate: Who do you think won? Ralph's audience voice their opinion here. Classical Theist had the best…
Zooming out of the Gate

Zooming out of the Gate

Evidence continues to pour in supporting theories that a major reaction against the Clown World Order is brewing among Generation Z. Consider this chart prepared by Audacious Epigone. Look closely at the generational trends in attitudes toward pornography. At first, you may be inclined to lament that more Zoomers want…
Active Waiting

Active Waiting

I'm often asked what faithful Christians; in particular Catholics, can do to turn back the tide of Modernism that's eroding the Church. This story, passed along by a reader, may offer a template for action. A group of young French-Canadian Catholic men are asking their bishops to teach the traditional…
The Seduction of Brand X

The Seduction of Brand X

Like many in his generation, Joe had always dreamed of working in television. Too introverted to be an actor, he chose instead to study writing and break into the industry as a screenwriter. Though he never did master the finer points of prose or dialogue, Joe had a flair for…
Sacrificial Lambs

Sacrificial Lambs

With the MAGA movement going the way of the Tea Party and the Death Cult's hatchet men in Big Tech increasingly flexing their muscles, we're now able to view the heady days of 2016 in historical context. One of the most tragic yet edifying spectacles of the last presidential election…
Profile in Fortitude

Profile in Fortitude

Sixty percent of Americans claim to be Christian. If one percent of us found our spines like this man did, the Death Cult would be overthrown tomorrow, and Clown World would be reduced to a cautionary tale of what happens when effeminacy weakens a people's fortitude. For those who haven't…
The Purpose of Your Life

The Purpose of Your Life

... could be to serve as a warning to others. As Devon Stack learned when he stepped outside his comfort zone to document the wreckage left in the wake of a wasted life. As with all of Stack's videos, this one is worth every second of your time: I've seen…
The Prodigal Chicken Returns

The Prodigal Chicken Returns

Leading fast food chain Chick-Fil-A dismayed its largely Christian customer base earlier this week by announcing that they would no longer make charitable donations to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. This announcement evoked much gloating from the Death Cult, since both charities adhere to correct Christian…
Four Turnings

Strauss-Howe Revisited

Owing to the sizable number of new readers who probably aren't up to speed on the updated generational theory popularized on this blog, I thought this post would make a helpful refresher. If you frequent social media and dissident blogs, it's hard to escape the phenomenon of people getting woke…