Witchcraft Makes You Stupid

Witchcraft Makes You Stupid

As I've told the commenters here many times, I'd been hoping that a Death Cultist would finally be dumb enough to try and beat the Witch Test. Thanks to author Bradford Walker, my hope has been rewarded. Bradford kicked off the proceedings by administering the test to a TDS-afflicted Leftoid.…


If you've been reading this blog since at least the beginning of this year, you're probably aware of what I call the Witch Test. Social media these days is rife with concern trolls who shill for Death Cult shibboleths while using Christian doctrines as handy clubs to browbeat Christians. Sometimes…
The Corporate IP Death Cycle

The Corporate IP Death Cycle

As a fitting follow up to yesterday's post about how shortsighted corporatism killed American comics, YouTuber David V. Stewart recommended his insightful video The 5 Phases of Corporate IP Ownership. In his video, David breaks down the corporate decision making process that runs franchises across all media, not just comics,…
The Real Jobs Crisis

The Real Jobs Crisis

It's not the overall employment numbers. It's the work force participation rate, particularly among men. While the administration touts low unemployment, American men are being forced out--and are increasingly opting out--of the job market. Though the continued importation of unskilled laborers from south of the border and H1Bs from the…
Between Scylla and Charybdis

Between Scylla and Charybdis

Partisans in both conservative and liberal circles are agonizing over why dissident politics is growing despite their best efforts to play gatekeeper and censor, respectively. One major reason is that normal people are sick and tired of being smeared as Nazis by both sides for holding positions their Christian grandfathers…
A Confident Masculine Christianity

A Confident Masculine Christianity

As Western society comes apart at the seams, it's fascinating to watch dissident atheists grudgingly stumble toward the realization that Christianity is necessary for the preservation of the West. One such blogger whom regular readers know I enjoy is the redoubtable Z Man. His progress on the Road to Damascus…
The Mass Media Fear Factory

The Mass Media Fear Factory

An off-the-cuff Twitter thread I tweeted yesterday has gotten a fair bit of play in the wake of the recent mass shootings. Basically, I saw everyone in my timeline freaking out as per their conditioning, so I thought a reminder of how keeping everyone in a state of fear is…

Hope for Gen Y

A commenter on my recent review of definitive Gen Y high school movie Clueless writes: How tied to is gen y. I mean, I've experienced and seen a lot of failure in my life and others. Is it a trait? By what means can it be overcome if it is? I…

MCU: The Inversion of Christ

This video comes to us from a reader who, like many, is coming to realize that Disney and Marvel aren't making movies. They're churning out Christianity-subverting propaganda. Admittedly, the video starts off pretty cringe. But get past the vacation Bible school delivery and the Virgin-Mary-in-the-toast apophenia, and you'll see there…
Utopian vs Cultist

Utopian vs Cultist

The following exchange comes to us from a stalwart reader who braved the reverse madhouse of Facebook, where mental patients keep the sane locked down. Right away, the poster reveals his allegiance to the older, utopian iteration of Leftism. This was the form the Left morphed into during the Cold…