Sculpture-on-Sculpture Violence

Sculpture-on-Sculpture Violence

In the wake of comics legend Steve Ditko's passing, reader Man of the Atom shares a Ditko story that's downright prescient in light of the culture war being waged in comics--and all media-today. The following excerpts are taken from the plot synopsis of Blue Beetle #5 from November, 1968. At…
We’re Going Back in Time

We’re Going Back in Time

By now it should be obvious to everyone that we are all, in a real and quantifiable sense, going back. Even a mainstream media organ as lost in the fog of Current Year chronological snobbery as the New York Times is now forced to admit that American culture has regressed as…
Those Who Cannot Remember the Past

Those Who Cannot Remember the Past

Several major personalities at the forefront of #ComicsGate held a rather lengthy live stream the other day, largely to air out simmering grievances over perceived calls for gatekeeping in their budding enterprise. I've included the whole video below. It's worth watching to get the straight dope directly from the horse's…
The Turning Point

The Turning Point

To enhance the fun and felicity of your Independence Day, I offer a brief summary of the cold civil war currently being waged to rescue America from the corrupt globalist elites that hold her hostage. Let us remember and celebrate the manifold victories the Almighty has seen fit to grant…
ComicsGate in Pictures

ComicsGate in Pictures

Chris Braly of Bleeding Fool provides proof of the SJW convergence at Marvel and DC that led to #ComicsGate, complete with visual aids. The following tweets were all posted by former and current creators with Marvel and DC Comics. It is utterly baffling to me how some normal people can…
How to Argue with SJWs

How to Argue with SJWs

Experience shows that the best advice on how to argue with SJWs is that you shouldn't. You should mock them relentlessly instead. A relatively recent demonstration from Twitter: Lesson 1: Do not answer SJWs' questions. Make them answer yours. As you can see, I set a trap designed to be…
A War to Be Normal

A War to Be Normal

Yesterday I mentioned comic artist Ethan Van Sciver's account of his amicable separation from DC Comics. Ethan's a decent guy--the kind of normie entrepreneur, husband, and father one could once be in America before peak SJW convergence. It's good to know he isn't fretting over where his next meal is…
The Preponderance of Evidence

The Preponderance of Evidence

Evidence continues to mount in support of my theory that something catastrophic befell Western pop culture circa 1997. Exhibit A: Over the past year, comic book artist Ethan Van Sciver has launched a successful second career as a YouTuber. He does aspiring artist portfolio reviews and a how-to-draw instructional series,…
Dragon Con Fires SJW

Dragon Con Fires SJW

In a refreshing turn of events, the Dragon Con admins appear to have learned from their past mistakes. Author Jon Del Arroz has the story: Dragon Con faced a quiet coup attempt by their Literary Track head named Charlotte Stromborn. She was originally in charge of Anne McCaffrey’s Pern track…
Every Man an Island

Every Man an Island

Study the downward trajectory of Western civilization long enough, and you start to notice certain trends. One dyscivic development that almost certainly affects you but goes largely unremarked upon is the increasing isolation and atomization of men. The decline in (actually the suppression of--more on that later) male socializing and…