I’ve Never Met an Individual

I’ve Never Met an Individual

Conservatives and Libertarians continue to volunteer evidence for my assertion that their empty posing and incoherent ideologies are standing athwart attempts to stop the Left's destruction of the West. Exhibit A: Conservative reader Nate Winchester's comments on the relative effectiveness of appeals to reason and emotion. There's two catches. The…
Individualism Is Kill

Individualism Is Kill

Having consistently pointed out that individualism is a noxious acid eating away at the social bonds, family ties, and institutions of the West, I was pleased when a Libertarian ideologue showed up in my Twitter feed to provide a wealth of colorful examples. Radical individualists' white-knuckled clinging to their self-contradictory…
Dragon Energy

Dragon Energy

A+ list rapper Kanye West coming out as a Trump supporter perfectly demonstrates the crucial importance of retaking cultural ground, which Conservatives have been ignoring for decades. You can tell that Kanye's Trumpism has struck a massive blow to the Left's cultural hegemony by their unhinged reaction to his escape…
Why Liberalism Failed

Why Liberalism Failed

According to Notre Dame Professor Patrick J. Deneen's book, reviewed by The American Conservative, Liberalism failed because it succeeded. Notre Dame professor Patrick Deneen has written a book vitally important for understanding the present crisis in Western politics. If this work had appeared two or three years ago, it still…
Reader Mail: Sith-Jedi Theology

Reader Mail: Sith-Jedi Theology

Reader Durandel writes: In conversations with my friends and family, many who are conservative and Catholic, whenever the topic of conversation comes up about fighting back against the Left, someone in the group gets very upset at the idea of being uncivil. And if you point out that it is…
The Real Horseshoe

The Real Horseshoe

A new trend that's been showing up in my YouTube subs is former Leftists or Left-Libertarians who rose to prominence in the anti-SJW campaigns rebranding as champions of Classical Liberalism. If you're a fan of Internet Bloodsports, you know what I'm talking about. You know a phenomenon has gained traction…
AmRen v Twitter

AmRen v Twitter

In the comments on last week's post about the Twitter Lock Out, I called for legal action against the censorious tyrants in Big Tech. Many readers echoed that sentiment. Well, ask and ye shall receive. A group of free-speech lawyers filed the most serious legal challenge yet to Twitter’s censorship…
Now Excommunicate the Rest

Now Excommunicate the Rest

It's refreshing to see a member of the Catholic hierarchy taking the adjudication of Church doctrine seriously. Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, IL continues his juridical tour de force by publicly barring Democrat Senator Dick Durbin from receiving Holy Communion. His Excellency wrote on the diocesan web site: I agree…
Black Panther Review

Black Panther Review

On the latest episode of Geek Gab, Daddy Warpig and Dorrinal talk Marvel's new movie Black Panther. Does the controversial film put politics ahead of story? Find out! Also, our hosts discuss heroism, the new counterculture, and the MPAA. Give this one a listen: The cast of Firefly overdose on…
Reason #1,000,001

Reason #1,000,001

The following FaceBook post found its way into my feed yesterday. Names and faces are concealed to protect the innocent. Anon is right on the money. Body positivity/#HealthyAtAnySize is pure rhetorical snake oil for all the reasons listed. Furthermore, it's downright evil for ulterior reasons not-so-subtly hidden in this comment…